From the wonderfulness and generosity that is the LibraryThing Virago Modern Classics group, I recieved seven books in total: 3 original green, 2 Newer Italic Green, 1 Modern Cover and 1 Non-Virago by a virago author. So many book hauls this summer! I am a happy camper.
My two semi-modern italic greens, with lovely floral covers by authors that I'm very excited to read for the first time.
Three original green Viragos, all of high interest! *claps* Added them to my Virago Marathon Reading List, once I'm finished Inkspell, Inkdeath, and Strump. Just to take a break from fantasy.
And finally, another Elizabeth Taylor in a modern style cover and a non-Virago by a Virago author. Lots of tea and reading and reviews to come!