I got this book through First Reads giveaway, and I must say it was terribly underwhelming. I felt as though the plot was rushed before we got a chance to get to know the characters. By page 20, a tragedy struck and I couldn't manage any sympathy for the family, as I wasn't attached to their characters. The premise of the book is lovely and right up my alley, but I wanted more background and detail. So much could've been done with the setting and vibrant history of the gypsies. I could see it being a thick epic, lush and detailed, like Crimson Petal and the White set during the Spanish Civil War. The writing style made me crave for more, but I enjoy intricate details, whereas others might not. Our heroine of this novel is rather annoying and again, the plot is very sporadic with no follow up or build up to any plot twists, so you're kinda left wondering "wait, what? that just happened?"
My review on Goodreads.